In a first, neutrinos were caught interacting at the Large Hadron Collider
A proof-of-concept experiment paves the way for a larger detector in 2022
The Large Hadron Collider’s claim to fame is its ability to unveil elusive subatomic particles. But there’s one class of particle that it had never directly detected, even though it produces them in abundance. Neutrinos, minute elementary particles, interact so little with matter that they sail through the particle accelerator’s massive detectors unnoticed (SN: 4/8/21).
Now, in a proof-of-concept experiment, the first evidence for neutrino interactions at the LHC has been spotted, researchers with the FASER collaboration report May 13 at The technique could open up a window to neutrinos at energies for which the particles’ interactions are poorly understood.
It’s the first glimpse of neutrinos produced in a particle collider, a type of particle accelerator that smashes beams of particles together. Physicists have detected neutrinos from particle accelerators by smashing a beam of particles into a stationary target, but not in collisions. Looking for neutrinos in particle collisions allows scientists to probe higher energies, but it also makes the neutrinos more difficult to study.
To catch the neutrinos interacting, the researchers used a detector containing films similar to those used in photographic film. When a charged particle passes through a film, it leaves behind a track marking where it’s been. Neutrinos, which have no electric charge, don’t leave tracks in the detector. But when a neutrino interacts with matter inside the detector, it produces a spurt of charged particles that point to a neutrino as their source.