In June, the United Nations passed a resolution designating October 20 as World Statistics Day. The United States planned to mark the occasion with a gathering on Capitol Hill of representatives from number-crunching agencies. Science News writer Laura Sanders recently spoke with U.S. Chief Statistician Katherine Wallman about why numbers matter.
What does the United Nations have to do with statistics?
The U.N. has a statistical commission and actually, one of the original functions of the United Nations was to produce comparable statistical information across the countries of the world. This has been an ongoing function since the beginning of the U.N. over 60 years ago. The commission’s work has always been probably the most technical work that goes on — the freest, shall we say, from political interests.
What does the chief statistician do?
My office is not a data-producing office, but rather, an office that provides oversight, coordination, priority settings and standard settings for [national statistics].