Ewen Callaway

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All Stories by Ewen Callaway
All in the Family
Contrary to popular belief, species of salamanders, birds, beetles and fish prefer to mate with close kin.
Common Age: Worms, yeast, and people share genes for aging
Roundworms, yeast, and humans share more than a dozen genes linked to aging.
- Materials Science
Cellulose that stiffens and softens
A material inspired by sea cucumbers morphs from rigid to soft.
- Health & Medicine
Beyond Blood
Bloodless MRI seeks a more direct window into the working brain than conventional techniques.
- Earth
Some corals buffered from warming
Corals in the western Pacific have escaped bleaching linked to rising ocean temperatures.
- Earth
Manifest dirt
Nineteenth-century settlers left a dusty mark on the West. Rocky Mountain lake deposits reveal that America’s westward expansion kicked huge amounts of dirt into the air—probably from livestock grazing. A team led by Jason Neff, a biogeochemist at the University of Colorado in Boulder, examined soil cores from the beds of tiny mountain lakes in […]
Eau de fruit fly
A single scent moves female fruit files to swoon and males to flee. The difference, new research shows, is in the brain’s wiring. Male flies on the prowl put out a pheromone called cis-vaccenyl acetate (cVA) that both sexes detect with scent-sensing cells on their antennae. To explain how cVA prompts such different reactions in […]
- Ecosystems
Predators return
Warming waters could push new predators into Antarctica's delicate ecosystems.
- Physics
Extreme Measures
Physicists use atom interferometry to measure gravity and other forces with unrivaled precision, and the technique could potentially guide airplanes and uncover buried caches of oil and diamonds.
Spice It Up: Naked mole-rats feel no pain from peppers, acid
The African naked mole-rat doesn't feel pain from acid or chilies, a possible adaptation to its cramped underground habitat.