John Travis

All Stories by John Travis

  1. A bitter taste in your . . . stomach

    The stomach may be able to "taste" bitter substances.

  2. Channel Surfing

    The newly revealed three-dimensional structures of proteins called ion channels reveal the secrets of their crucial function.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Broken Weapon: Mutation disarms HIV-fighting gene

    A gene that once produced a small protein able to prevent HIV from infecting cells now lies unusable in the human genome.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Alzheimer’s vaccine trial is suspended

    A drug company in Ireland has halted tests of an experimental vaccine for Alzheimer's disease.

  5. Cool Discovery: Menthol triggers cold-sensing protein

    A cell-surface protein that lets ions flow into cells responds to menthol and cool temperatures.

  6. Health & Medicine

    The Hunger Hormone?

    Scientists may have finally found the body’s dinner bell.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Taking a toll: Antiviral drugs activate immune system

    Promising antiviral drugs activate a key immune-system protein.

  8. Unfertilized monkey eggs make stem cells

    Scientists have for the first time obtained long-lived stem cells from monkey eggs stimulated to undergo parthenogenesis.

  9. Health & Medicine

    DREAMing away pain

    Mutant mice lacking a certain regulatory protein overproduce a natural opioid and are less sensitive to pain than are other mice.

  10. Nerve cells ring in the Winter Olympics

    Scientists in Utah have sculpted living nerve cells into a microscopic version of the interlocking rings that symbolize the Olympic games.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Cancer clue: RNA-destroying enzyme may thwart prostate-tumor growth

    Scientists have found a mutated gene that predisposes men of some families to prostate cancer.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Gene Variant Tied to Human Aging

    Variants of a gene linked to mouse aging are more prevalent in elderly people than in newborns, suggesting that the gene influences human aging or specific age-related illnesses.