Search Results for: Ostriches

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214 results
  1. Paleontology

    This newfound birdlike dinosaur had surprisingly long legs

    Early birdlike dinosaurs are mostly short-limbed and thought to have lived in trees, but Fujianvenator prodigiosus may have run or waded in swamps.

  2. Artificial Intelligence

    Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

    Reinforcement learning techniques could be the keys to integrating robots — who use machine learning to output more than words — into the real world.

  3. Artificial Intelligence

    AI chatbots can be tricked into misbehaving. Can scientists stop it?

    To develop better safeguards, computer scientists are studying how people have manipulated generative AI chatbots into answering harmful questions.

  4. Animals

    The world’s highest-dwelling mammal isn’t the only rodent at extreme elevation

    After discovering a mouse living nearly 7,000 meters above sea level, scientists scoured other extreme environments to make sure the find wasn’t a fluke.

  5. Life

    Ancient ‘demon ducks’ may have been undone by their slow growth

    Mihirung birds grew to more than half a ton and took their time getting there. That slow growth may have been a vulnerability when humans got to Australia.

  6. Archaeology

    Ancient Homo sapiens took a talent for cultural creativity from Africa to Asia

    Excavations at two sites continents apart show that Stone Age hominids got culturally inventive starting nearly 100,000 years ago.

  7. Earth

    A massive cavern beneath a West Antarctic glacier is teeming with life

    A subglacial river has carved out the cavern beneath the Kamb Ice Stream, a West Antarctic glacier, and may be supplying nutrients necessary for life.

  8. Plants

    These flowers lure pollinators to their deaths. There’s a new twist on how

    Some jack-in-the-pulpit plants may use sex to lure pollinators. That's confusing for male fungus gnats — and deadly.

  9. Archaeology

    Stone Age culture bloomed inland, not just along Africa’s coasts

    Homo sapiens living more than 600 kilometers from the coast around 105,000 years ago collected crystals that may have had ritual meaning.

  10. Anthropology

    An ancient social safety net in Africa was built on beads

    A Stone Age network of communities across southern Africans was established using ostrich shell beads by around 33,000 years ago.

  11. Animals

    Hundreds of new genomes help fill the bird ‘tree of life’

    More than 10,000 bird species live on Earth. Now, researchers are one step closer to understanding the evolution of all of this feathered diversity.

  12. Life

    How emus and ostriches lost the ability to fly

    Changes in regulatory DNA, rather than mutations to genes themselves, grounded some birds, a study finds.
