Search Results for: Frogs

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1,324 results
  1. Animals

    Chytrid’s frog-killing toll has been tallied — and it’s bad

    Losses due to the amphibian-killing chytrid fungus are “the greatest documented loss of biodiversity attributable to a pathogen,” researchers find.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Climate change could raise the risk of deadly fungal infections in humans

    The rise of Candida auris, a deadly fungus spurring outbreaks in the United States and worldwide, may have been aided by climate change.

  3. Paleontology

    This ancient dinosaur was no bigger than a hummingbird

    The skull of one of these Mesozoic Era birds — the tiniest yet known — was discovered encased in a chunk of amber originally found in Myanmar.

  4. Climate

    How scientists wrestle with grief over climate change

    With climate change altering our world at an increasing pace, scientists who monitor and study nature are frustrated and grieving.

  5. Astronomy

    Readers boggled by black hole behemoth

    Readers had questions about the first image of a black hole and a chytrid fungus.

  6. Paleontology

    These newfound frogs have been trapped in amber for 99 million years

    Trapped in amber, 99-million-year-old frog fossils reveal the amphibians lived in a wet, tropical climate.

  7. Animals

    A deadly frog-killing fungus probably originated in East Asia

    The disastrous form of Bd chytrid fungus could have popped up just 50 to 120 years ago.

  8. Animals

    Deep-sea fishes’ eye chemistry might let them see colors in near darkness

    An unexpected abundance of proteins for catching dim light evolved independently in three groups of weird deep-sea fishes.

  9. Animals

    Parenting chores cut into how much these bird dads fool around

    Frantic parenting demands after eggs hatch curtail male black coucals’ philandering excursions the most, a study finds.

  10. Life

    1 million species are under threat. Here are 5 ways we speed up extinctions

    One million of the world’s plant and animal species are now under threat of extinction, a new report finds.

  11. Animals

    What spiders eating weird stuff tell us about complex Amazon food webs

    By documenting rare events of invertebrates eating small vertebrates, scientists are shedding new light on the Amazon rainforest’s intricate ecosystem.

  12. Animals

    Australian fires have incinerated the habitats of up to 100 threatened species

    Hundreds of fires that are blazing across the continent’s southeast have created an unprecedented ecological disaster, scientists say.
