Search Results for: grassland

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414 results
  1. Planetary Science

    Seeing the future hot spells

    Satellite data could help scientists better predict killer heat waves, such as the one that hit Europe in 2003.

  2. Climate

    Winter birds shift north

    More than 170 common North American species are wintering farther north than they did in the past.

  3. Archaeology

    Horse domestication traced to ancient central Asian culture

    New lines of evidence indicate that horses were domesticated for riding and milking more than 5,000 years ago by members of a hunter-gatherer culture in northern Kazakhstan.

  4. Anthropology

    Peking Man fossils show their age

    Scientists have pushed back the age of Peking Man, raising questions about whether Homo erectus trekked to eastern Asia in two separate migrations.

  5. Life

    BOOK REVIEW | Amazon Expeditions: My Quest for the Ice-Age Equator

    Review by Elizabeth Quill.

  6. Climate


    Understanding long-term changes in wildfire patterns challenges scientists from multiple disciplines.

  7. Earth

    Corals, turfgrass and sediments offer stories of climate past and future

    Science News reports from San Francisco at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union

  8. Animals

    Bird fads weaken sexual selection

    There's a new look for a hot male among lark buntings every year.

  9. Life

    Gene linked to commitment-phobia

    A common gene variation in men is linked to marital crises and less bonding in a study of more than 500 long-term couples.

  10. Ecosystems

    Prairie Revival

    Prairie restoration is attracting interest, but because so little long-term monitoring and comparative studies have been done, researchers are still wondering whether it's really possible to re-create a prairie.

  11. New World Stopover: People may have entered the Americas in stages

    People first reached the edge of the Americas about 40,000 years ago but had to stay put for at least 20,000 years before melting ice sheets allowed them to move south and settle the rest of the continent.

  12. Math

    Communities of Communities of …

    A new approach to network theory focusing on the subcommunities within networks may shed light on everything from food webs to terrorist cells. It may even act as an oracle, helping scientists identify connections within a network they haven’t yet seen.
