Science News Magazine:
Vol. 170 No. #1
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More Stories from the July 1, 2006 issue
- Anthropology
Mexican find reveals ancient dental work
A 4,500-year-old human skeleton found in Mexico represents the earliest instance in the Americas of intentionally modified teeth, apparently to create space for a ceremonial mouthpiece.
By Bruce Bower -
Cells in bloodstream don’t refill ovaries
Contrary to a report published last year, cells that circulate in a female mammal's blood don't seem to restock its egg supplies.
- Health & Medicine
Pregnancy risk from blood pressure drugs?
Babies exposed in the first trimester of their mother's pregnancy to blood pressure drugs called ACE inhibitors are at an increased risk of birth defects.
By Nathan Seppa - Humans
With permission to nap, doctors stay more alert
Allowing doctors-in-training who are on call to hand off to another doctor the pager that summons them to the next patient increases the amount of sleep they get and reduces their fatigue.
By Ben Harder - Tech
Humanlike touch from chemical film
A nanoparticle-laden, pressure-detecting membrane feels textures with about the same sensitivity as human skin.
By Peter Weiss -
Mammalian ear cells can regenerate
The cells responsible for hearing in mammals may be capable of regeneration, just as those of birds and other vertebrates are.
- Materials Science
Seeing the light
Researchers have developed a smart petri dish that signals cell death with intense light.
- Tech
Blinding spies’ digital eyes
To prevent unauthorized picture taking, an automated antispy system spots digital cameras and zaps them with confounding flashes of light.
By Peter Weiss -
Gay Males’ Sibling Link: Men’s homosexuality tied to having older brothers
Birth order may steer some men toward homosexuality in a process that perhaps begins before birth.
By Bruce Bower - Paleontology
Sight for ‘Saur Eyes: T. rex vision was among nature’s best
A study of dinosaur eyes finds that Tyrannosaurus rex had very sophisticated vision that may have helped its predatory abilities.
By Eric Jaffe - Tech
Hot Prospect: Simple burner keeps pollution counts down
A new type of combustion chamber reduces pollution with less complexity and a safer, more reliable design.
By Peter Weiss -
Getting Back at Celiac: Enzyme treatment might stem wheat intolerance
A combination of two enzymes could eventually treat celiac disease, an inherited digestive disorder.
- Health & Medicine
Measuring Stick: Spinal tap test tracks Alzheimer’s compound
A new test is the first to measure production and clearance of amyloid-beta in the cerebrospinal fluid of people, enabling scientists to track this Alzheimer's disease peptide.
By Nathan Seppa - Astronomy
Planet-making disk has a banana split
Two banana-shaped arcs of gas and dust face each other within a newly discovered planet-forming disk that surrounds a young, nearby star.
By Ron Cowen - Chemistry
Sweet Synthesis: Fructose product could replace chemicals from oil
A new study describes the efficient use of fructose toward making a renewable building block for many useful chemicals.
- Health & Medicine
Lavender Revolution: Plant essences linked to enlarged breasts in boys
Two natural ingredients in many hair- and skin-care products act like a female sex hormone and can cause abnormal breast development in boys.
By Ben Harder - Health & Medicine
A Vexing Enigma
While no drug or lab test is approved to treat or diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome, new research into the biology of the disorder may begin to shed light on the problem.
By Ben Harder - Tech
Pumping Alloy
A new way to power artificial muscles improves the prospects for making lifelike humanoid robots and prosthetic limbs.
By Peter Weiss - Astronomy
Galactic de Gustibus
About 13 billion years after its birth, our galaxy is still packing on the stars.
By Ron Cowen - Humans
Letters from the July 1, 2006, issue of Science News
Looking into the future Your article states that farsightedness will be treated with these new electric lenses (“Switch-a-Vision: Electric spectacles could aid aging eyes,” SN: 4/22/06, p. 243). With some tweaking, could nearsightedness and astigmatism be treated as well? Could binoculars, telescopes, and microscopes use this technology? Roger CurnowGrand Rapids, Mich. Yes and yes, says […]
By Science News