Christen Brownlee

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All Stories by Christen Brownlee
Faster, Cheaper, Better
Methods now under development could make DNA sequencing quicker and less expensive, paving the way for the day when treatments can be tailored to each person's genetic profile.
Natural-Born Addicts: Brain differences may herald drug addiction
Differences in the behavior and the brain receptors of rats seem to predict which of the rodents will become cocaine addicted.
- Health & Medicine
Cocoa compound increases brain blood flow
Cocoa that retains compounds usually removed to soften the product's flavor can significantly improve blood flow to the brain.
- Health & Medicine
Fungus produces cancer drug
Several varieties of fungi that attack hazelnuts produce high quantities of the popular cancer drug paclitaxel.
Weight Matters: Big and little mouse pups become obese adults
Being either overnourished or undernourished before birth can alter gene activity, leading to obesity during adulthood.
Bridging the Divide? Technique sheds light on cleft palate gene
A new approach has enabled researchers to prevent cleft palate in mice genetically engineered to develop that birth defect.
- Health & Medicine
Small tweaks prevent 1918-flu transmission
Just a couple of small genetic changes in a pandemic flu virus prevented it from passing efficiently between lab animals.
- Humans
More of the Same: 2008’s science budget mirrors 2007’s
President Bush's proposed science budget for fiscal year 2008 closely reflects last year's recommended budget.
Food smells reduce diet’s life-extending benefits
The scent of food may decrease the life-extending effects of a low-calorie diet.
- Health & Medicine
Vice Vaccines
Vaccines currently in development could give people a novel way to kick their addictions and lose weight.
Addiction Subtraction: Brain damage curbs cigarette urge
Scientists have identified an area of the brain where damage seems to quickly halt a person's desire to smoke.
Trichomoniasis-causing organism is sequenced
Scientists have taken a first read of the genetic sequence of the organism responsible for a sexually transmitted infection called trichomoniasis.