Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Do zinc lozenges shorten common colds?

    People taking zinc to fight a cold report less coughing, less nasal discharge, and a shorter cold than do people getting a placebo.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Coffee linked to rheumatoid arthritis

    People who drink four or more cups of coffee per day appear more likely to get rheumatoid arthritis than are those drinking less.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Data faked in immune-system study

    A researcher fabricated evidence suggesting that never-before-seen RNA-DNA-hybrid molecules play a role in creating antibodies.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Sperm just say NO to egg cells

    Sperm fertilizing an egg produce a whiff of nitric oxide.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Marrow converted into brain cells

    Scientists can now efficiently transform bone marrow into nerve cells.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Transplanted Hopes

    Islet-cell success may bring a diabetes cure closer.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Carotid surgery stands test of time

    Surgery to remove blockages from the carotid artery in the neck has lasting effects against stroke over several years and even provides some benefit when it's delayed.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Domestic Disease: Exotic pets bring pathogens home

    The potentially deadly monkeypox virus has spread from Africa to people in several states via infected pet prairie dogs.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Full-Length Pregnancy: Progesterone product may reduce premature births

    A drug related to the female hormone progesterone helps some pregnant women who are prone to premature birth extend their pregnancies.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Oh Boy—Is Mom Hungry!

    At birth, boys tend to weigh about 100 grams (3.5 ounces) more than girls. An international research team wondered whether that meant that boys’ moms ate more during pregnancy. In data published this week, the scientists now confirm that’s exactly what happens. Though women eat more when carrying a boy, they don’t gain more weight […]

  11. Health & Medicine

    Cancer Advance: Treatment combinations stall colorectal cancer

    Two experimental drugs can induce remission in colorectal cancer patients and extend their survival.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Skipping Meals Might Offer Health Gains

    People assume that the ideal meal schedule spreads calorie intake over the course of the day: Never skip breakfast, keep your blood sugar on an even keel, and all that. But Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, suspects that conventional wisdom may be due for an overhaul. Skipping breakfast? […]
