
  1. Psychology

    In China, coffee shop habits show cultural differences tied to farming

    Farming histories have shaped behavior in northern and southern China.

  2. Science & Society

    Why science still can’t pinpoint a mass shooter in the making

    Arguments flare over mass public shootings that remain scientifically mysterious.

  3. Neuroscience

    How biology breaks the ‘cerebral mystique’

    The Biological Mind rejects the idea of the brain as the lone organ that makes us who we are. Our body and environment also factor in, Alan Jasanoff says.

  4. Science & Society

    Discussing what matters when facts are not enough

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute reflects on finding common ground with science and policy.

  5. Science & Society

    In play, kids and scientists take big mental leaps

    Acting Editor in Chief Elizabeth Quill explores the science behind children's play and how kids like to mimic the same things adults do.

  6. Psychology

    When it’s playtime, many kids prefer reality over fantasy

    Given a choice between fantasy play and doing the things that adults do, children prefer reality-based tasks, studies suggest.

  7. Science & Society

    Readers inspired by SN 10 scientists’ research

    Readers wanted to know more about the scientists' research who were profiled in "The SN 10: Scientists to watch."

  8. Psychology

    Whether psychology research is improving depends on whom you ask

    Psychologists are pessimistic about the state of their field but want to improve, a survey shows. But are new measures working?

  9. Science & Society

    Economics Nobel nudges behavioral economist into the limelight

    Behavioral economist Richard Thaler started influential investigations of behavioral economics, which earned him the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

  10. Computing

    M. Ehsan Hoque develops digital helpers that teach social skills

    Computer scientist M. Ehsan Hoque programs emotionally attuned assistants that bring people together.

  11. Psychology

    Confusion lingers over health-related pros and cons of marijuana

    50 years ago, the effects of chronic marijuana smoking on mental health were hazy. They still are.

  12. Psychology

    Science can’t forecast love

    Scientists’ forecast for romantic matches is unpredictable.
