Science & Society

  1. Psychology

    Psychology results evaporate upon further review

    Less than half of psychology findings get reproduced on second tries, a study finds.

  2. Science & Society

    A bot, not a Kardashian, probably wrote that e-cig tweet

    Some 80 percent of recent e-cigarette-related tweets were promotional in nature, raising concerns that the positive spin is targeting a young audience.

  3. Science & Society

    Contentious science topics on Wikipedia subject to editing mischief

    Global warming and other politically charged issues are prime targets for sabotage on Wikipedia.

  4. Science & Society

    Monster fish, forensics and space exploration on display

    Exhibits and opera infuse science into their experience.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Building standards aren’t to blame for chilly offices

    A recent study made headlines for finding differences between men and women in comfort level for heating and cooling. But that’s not why women are cold in the office.

  6. Psychology

    Decision tree for soldiers could reduce civilian deaths

    A new, three-part decision formula may help soldiers save civilians’ lives.

  7. Tech

    ‘Monsters’ examines a history of technological hubris

    Drawing on the Hindenburg disaster, a science writer develops criteria for recognizing risky technology.

  8. Tech

    Moving exhibit pays tribute to lost space shuttles’ crews

    At Kennedy Space Center, pieces of wreckage from the space shuttles Challenger and Columbia are on public display for the first time.

  9. Science & Society

    A few key signs betray betrayal

    Like many relationships that collapse after betrayal, teasing out what goes wrong and who is at fault in betrayal isn’t so easy.

  10. Oceans

    Ocean current simulations could narrow Flight 370 search

    Aircraft debris found on Réunion Island in the western Indian Ocean could originate from the northern half of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370’s search area, ocean simulations show.

  11. Health & Medicine

    How trans fats oozed into our diet and out again

    Trans fats are no longer “generally recognized as safe” by the FDA. In a world where we want to have our doughnuts and eat them, too, it’s back to the drawing board, and back to butter.

  12. Science & Society

    Autism’s journey from shadows to light

    Science writer Steve Silberman considers autism in the modern era of neurodiversity - a movement to respect neurological differences as natural human variation - framing the relatively progressive autistic experience of today against the the conditions oppressed past.
