This article makes disturbing use of Neal Barnard as a spokesman warning against the high-protein weight-loss diet. Barnard represents Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine (PCRM). What’s not to love about an outfit with a name like that? PCRM places op-ed pieces condemning animal products, and it advocates a vegan agenda. A more balanced response might have suggested increasing calcium rather than limiting protein to avoid demineralization of bones.

Joann S. Grohman
Dixfield, Maine

Americans overweight? In our experience, no balancing of fats, carbs, and proteins will overcome the simple mathematics of overeating and not exercising. During our 20 years in the wilderness-lodge business in Alaska, we estimate that the amount of food our clients load onto their plates has increased by roughly 30 percent. We have found over the years that we increasingly have to take obesity into account on every activity we guide.

Jack Hayden
Denali West Lodge
Lake Minchumina, Alaska