People living near major roadways are about twice as likely to die from heart and lung diseases as those who live farther away from such sources of air pollution, according to a new study of almost 4,500 people. The increased risk for people living within 100 meters of a freeway or within 50 meters of some other major road was apparent to researchers even after adjusting the data for the effects of participants’ smoking, education, occupation, income, and weight.
“People living at addresses with presumably higher long-term air pollution measures were at higher risk of dying from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases,” says Gerard Hoek of the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The finding, published in the Oct. 19 Lancet, fits with other studies that have linked air pollution with increased heart and lung disease (SN: 1/20/01, p. 39: Diesel gases masculinize fetal rodents; SN: 7/7/01, p. 9: Blood points to pollution’s heart risks). No other disease was more common among the 5 percent of the new study’s participants living near major roads than among the 95 percent who didn’t.