From the January 23, 1932, issue


Light from a new age is cast upon the pointed heights of London’s Tower Bridge by floodlights turned on the structure during recent engineering and scientific celebrations in England. The Tower Bridge is just one of the many structures illuminated.

This bridge across the Thames, one of the most famous in the world, was completed in 1894. Close by is the sinister and storied Tower of London, dating from the time of William the Conqueror. The old Tower has seen many famous people lose their heads and has served as a prison for many others, among them Sir Walter Raleigh and Guy Fawkes.

The Tower Bridge has a central span 200 feet long with 270-foot chain suspension spans on both sides. The central portion of the roadway consists of bascules, which are raised to permit the passage of vessels, while just above the draw spans, 142 feet from the water, there is a raised footway.

The towers are of steel, faced with granite and Portland cement.


Infrequent “shots” of a potent liver extract into the veins of sufferers from pernicious anemia constitute the newest treatment of this disease developed at the Henry Simpson Memorial for Medical Research of the University of Michigan.

Six years ago when liver began the conquest of this once fatal disease, the patient had to eat half a pound of liver a day. Then a more palatable extract was made. Later even more concentrated preparations were devised.

Now Dr. Raphael Isaacs, Dr. Cyrus Sturgis, and associates at the Simpson Institute in Ann Arbor have succeeded in producing a liver extract, about 30 times as powerful as any previously developed ones and suitable for administration by intravenous injection instead of having to be taken by mouth. The new extract has been used successfully for some months and will be available to all physicians in a short time. Only four to six injections are necessary to restore the blood of an anemia sufferer to normal, after which health may be maintained by injections given by a physician at intervals of from four to six weeks. No treatment is necessary in the meantime.


A distant portion of the universe is apparently rushing away at a speed greater than any previously observed by astronomers.

In a communication to the executive offices of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., Dr. Walter S. Adams, director of the Mount Wilson Observatory at Pasadena, Calif., reports the discovery in two nebulae of apparent movement away from Earth at the rate of 15,000 miles per second. The highest velocities thus far indicated by observation have been of the order of 12,500 miles per second.

The two objects, which seem to be rushing away from Earth with the speed of an explosion, are very faint nebulae in a cluster discovered by Dr. Edwin P. Hubble in the constellation of Gemini. The estimate of their apparent speed is based upon an observation made by Milton L. Humason. They have been determined to be 135,000,000 light years distant from Earth, a very great distance but not quite as far as the frontier of observable space. Light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second.

This discovery is expected to be of special concern to Dr. Albert Einstein and Dr. Willem de Sitter, famous Dutch astronomer, who are now in Pasadena, because of their interest in research concerning the possible expansion of the universe. It also extends our knowledge of the relation between distance and apparent rate of recession or movement away from us of distant nebulae as described by Dr. Hubble.