How droplets of oil or water can glow vibrant colors
The effect is a type of iridescence, with different colors seen at different angles
Oil and water may not mix, but the two have now revealed a new example of structural color, in which an object’s hue arises from its shape.
Studying droplets made of two layers of clear oil, researchers discovered that, depending on a viewer’s perspective, the tiny blobs glowed a variety of vibrant colors under white light. In a petri dish, same-sized droplets changed color as the dish was rotated (see video below). The same phenomenon, described in the Feb. 28 Nature, occurred with tiny water droplets that collected on the underside of a petri dish’s lid.
Materials chemist Lauren Zarzar of Penn State and colleagues found that the iridescent hues appear when light strikes a bowl-shaped boundary between two substances — in this case, the water-air barrier on the underside of the water droplets hanging off a flat surface, or a basin-shaped divide between the two layers of oil. Light that enters near a droplet’s edge bounces along this this concave surface multiple times before being reflected and exiting near the opposite edge.
Under a microscope, that reflected light creates an iridescent ring whose apparent color depends on the viewer’s perspective. That’s because light waves can take many different ricocheting routes through the droplet on their way from the light source to an observer. When waves of a specific wavelength — for instance, yellow light — line up, they reinforce each other and produce a bright color. But light rays of other wavelengths taking these same routes may get misaligned and wash each other out. Changing the viewing angle changes which pathways a viewer sees, and thus the color.