By Sid Perkins
The Sound Book: The Science of the Sonic Wonders of the World
Trevor Cox
Norton & Co., $26.95
Most lists of the world’s wonders include visually stunning attractions — the Grand Canyon or the pyramids of Giza, for example. Yet there’s more to life than meets the eye, as acoustic engineer Trevor Cox reveals in this international tour of aural amazements.
Many of the marvels Cox describes are architectural, from domes and “whispering galleries” that reflect and focus even the tiniest murmurs to the most reverberant place in the world: a four-story-deep subterranean tank in Scotland that was built to hold strategic oil reserves during World War II. The echoes inside the tank are so strong and last so long because oil has soaked into the concrete walls, filling any pores where sound waves could infiltrate and be absorbed rather than reflected.