By Sid Perkins
SAN FRANCISCO — Engineers drilling a new well at a geothermal site in Hawaii recently struck liquid gold — a mass of molten rock that is giving geologists an unprecedented peek at how magma cools today and insights into how continents might have formed billions of years ago.
The Puna Geothermal Venture, which sits on the slopes of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, has been producing at least 25 megawatts of power since 1993. By taking advantage of the volcano’s immense source of subterranean heat, the facility produces about 20 percent of the power now needed on the Big Island, says William Teplow, a geologist and consultant at U.S. Geothermal Inc. in Boise, Idaho.
While expanding the facility in 2005, drillers encountered increased resistance at a depth of about 2.5 kilometers. They decided to raise the equipment slightly and stop drilling for a while. When they resumed, the tip of the drill struck solid rock at a depth about eight meters higher than where they’d previously stopped. Soon thereafter, the geologist on duty noticed that the rock cuttings brought to the surface by the drill — the geological equivalent of sawdust — were clear bits of mineral, not the normal black bits of chewed-up basalt. “Nothing like this had ever been seen,” Teplow says.
Subsequent chemical analyses of the clear cuttings indicated that the mineral bits were 67 percent silica, Teplow and his colleagues reported December 16 in San Francisco at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. That percentage is distinctly different than the 50 percent silica content typically found in basaltic rocks, he notes, but chemically similar to the granitic rocks that make up continental crust. Also like granite, the minerals were high in potassium and sodium but low in iron and calcium.