Jonathan Lambert

Staff Writer, Biological Sciences, 2019-2021

Jonathan Lambert was a staff writer covering biological sciences at Science News from 2019 to 2021. He earned a master’s degree from Cornell University studying how a bizarre day-long mating ritual helped accelerate speciation in a group of Hawaiian crickets. A summer at the Dallas Morning News as a AAAS Mass Media fellow sparked a pivot from biologist to science journalist. He previously wrote for Quanta Magazine, NPR, and Nature News.

All Stories by Jonathan Lambert

  1. Climate

    How scientists wrestle with grief over climate change

    With climate change altering our world at an increasing pace, scientists who monitor and study nature are frustrated and grieving.

  2. Life

    A distant cousin of jellyfish may survive without working mitochondria

    A tiny creature that parasitizes salmon is the first known multicellular eukaryote without a mitochondrial genome, a hallmark of complex life.

  3. Life

    Microbiologists took 12 years to grow a microbe tied to complex life’s origins

    Years of lab work resulted in growing a type of archaea that might help scientists understand one of evolution’s giant leaps toward complexity.

  4. Animals

    Snakes suffered after a frog-killing fungus wiped out their food

    A frog-killing fungus that swept through Panama had a hidden effect. A new study finds that snake diversity declined post-fungus at one field station.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Cases of the new coronavirus hint at the disease’s severity, symptoms and spread

    As the coronavirus outbreak continues, estimates suggest that the majority of cases are mild. New research is clarifying how more severe cases progress.

  6. Animals

    Beaked whales may evade killer whales by silently diving in sync

    To slip past predators, beaked whales appear to synchronize their deep dives, staying silent while not hunting and ascending far from where they dove.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Scientists question White House measures to limit spread of coronavirus

    The White House announced new steps to fight the coronavirus outbreak, in what’s becoming one of the biggest public health challenges in decades.

  8. Health & Medicine

    WHO declares coronavirus outbreak a global public health emergency

    The World Health Organization says the coronavirus outbreak that began in China has been reported in 18 other countries.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Can the coronavirus outbreak be contained?

    More than 50 million people are quarantined in China, but whether the strategy will stem the epidemic’s spread is unclear.

  10. Health & Medicine

    WHO says China’s coronavirus outbreak isn’t a global emergency yet

    While the WHO says the coronavirus outbreak isn’t a global emergency, China has locked down several large cities to stop the virus from spreading.

  11. Life

    Sparkly exoskeletons may help camouflage beetles from predators

    Iridescence, normally thought to help insects stand out, can also camouflage beetles from predators, according to new experimental evidence.

  12. Health & Medicine

    The first U.S. case of a new coronavirus has been confirmed

    After confirmation that a new coronavirus is transmissible between humans, U.S. health officials report a first case in Seattle.