Science & Society

  1. Astronomy

    Enigmatic 17th century nova wasn’t a nova at all

    A nova observed in 1670 was actually two stars colliding, new evidence suggests.

  2. Life

    No-fishing scheme in Great Barrier Reef succeeds with valuable fishes

    Coral trout are thriving in marine protected areas in the Great Barrier Reef, but the no-take zones are having a smaller effect on other reef residents, a new 10-year report card shows.

  3. Science & Society

    John Nash, Louis Nirenberg share math’s Abel Prize

    John Nash and Louis Nirenberg will receive the 2015 ‘Nobel of mathematics’ for their work on partial differential equations.

  4. Psychology

    Rethinking light’s speed, helping young adults with autism and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss the best ways to replicate findings in scientific studies, help teenagers with autism transition to adulthood, and more.

  5. Humans

    The expressive face of human history on display

    Busts on display in an Italian exhibit flesh out hominid skulls using the latest in 3-D reconstruction.

  6. Tech

    ‘Rust’ chronicles humankind’s incessant battle with corrosion

    ‘Rust’ recounts humanity’s unending battle against corrosion, which each year costs the United States an estimated $437 billion — more than all natural disasters combined.

  7. Genetics

    Protein comparisons proposed in 1960s for tracking evolution

    In 1965, two scientists spotted molecular signatures of primate divergence. The tool became widespread for studying evolution – and one researcher’s career ended in crime.

  8. Health & Medicine

    CDC panel gives thumbs up to vaccine against nine HPV types

    A federal vaccine advisory committee voted February 26 to recommend use of an expanded version of the human papillomavirus shot marketed as Gardasil.

  9. Science & Society

    Islamic science paved the way for a millennial celebration of light

    Ibn al-Haytham’s book on optics from a millennium ago serves as a good excuse to celebrate the International Year of Light.

  10. Science & Society

    Enjoy scientific curios collected over decades

    Explore a modern scientist's curiosity cabinet.

  11. Science & Society

    ‘This Idea Must Die’ singles out scientific theories ready for retirement

    Researchers and writers weigh in on theories getting in the way of scientific progress in this collection of essays.

  12. Chemistry

    Brute-force chemistry study retracted

    The journal Science has retracted a notable 2011 chemistry study in which authors reported a brawny method to break sturdy chemical structures.
