The American Physical Society Meeting
Get your daily physics news here from the March meeting of the American Physical Society
By Science News
Physicists are gathering in Pittsburgh March 16 through 20 to share their work during the March meeting of the American Physical Society. Offerings so far look closely at the smallest scales: how nanoparticles may affect photosynthesis, and how glass molecules change vibration whether they’re part of a solid or liquid.
Quantum dots pull a number on algae
Nanoparticles interfere with cells’ ability to perform photosynthesis
PITTSBURGH — Nanomaterials keep slacks stain-free and sunscreens clear. But nanoparticles may also wreak havoc in the environment after the sunscreen goes down the drain and runs into a river. Priyanka Bhattacharya of Clemson University in South Carolina and her colleagues found that quantum dots, a kind of nanoparticle, can have “significant effects on the bioactivity” of algae, she reported March 16 at a meeting of the American Physical Society.