From the July 9, 1932, issue


Strikingly modernistic in design and construction is the huge Hall of Science building in Chicago which has been dedicated as the key structure for the Century of Progress Exposition next year. Its two floors and mezzanine, containing 9 acres of exhibit space, will illustrate the development of the sciences and their application during the past 100 years. The tower is 176 feet high and contains a 25-tone carillon.

Unusual illuminating effects are being achieved to accent the unique architectural features. The tower is bathed in a blue and red light at night. In the wall surface facing a courtyard, triangular bays extending the full height of the facade have been installed with a facing perforated in a pattern representing an abstract design of tree branches. An ever-shifting play of colors moves through the perforated pattern to provide a unique effect. The faces of huge pylons which guard the north approach to the building are lighted with indirect neon floods. The lighting effects inside are equally novel.

The Hall of Science is set on the edge of a beautiful lagoon that opens into Lake Michigan. It is a temporary structure, planned for the 150-day duration of the exposition.


When X rays are used to treat cancer, the cells of the cancer are not killed directly but are made to live more merrily, finish their normal life more rapidly, and die of senility at an earlier age.

This answer to the hitherto unsolved problem of what happens when a cancer victim is irradiated and his cancer decreases in size was given to the American Association for the Advancement of Science by Dr. Raphael Isaacs of the University of Michigan, who made observations on 923 patients before he announced his findings.

It is expected that this discovery will be of great importance in understanding various kinds of cancer and other diseases of cell growth, such as leukemia, lymphoblastoma, and pernicious and other anemias.


Beautiful color photographs, suitable for framing or placing in the album, can now be made by amateurs using an ordinary plate camera.

Nearly 50 years ago trichromatic color photography, requiring three plates, special and expensive cameras and intricate processing, gave faithful photographs in colors. It was successful but too complicated for popular use.

Frederic E. Ives, who obtained the first convincing results, invented special cameras and processes and has received high honors for his work in this field. And now Mr. Ives, one of the great American inventors, has developed a successful method of color photography that uses only two negatives exposed in a conventional camera and only two “gaslight” prints cemented together.

Negatives are made in a way similar to the two-color process that has been used in commercial motion pictures but in the printing process the combination of three colors, not two, is secured. Instead of printing in blue and red only and losing the greens of foliage and the yellows and oranges of the original, Mr. Ives has obtained faithful color reproduction superimposing a print that shades from red to yellow upon a blue-tone print from the red negative.