Vol. 171 No. #4
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More Stories from the January 27, 2007 issue

  1. Trichomoniasis-causing organism is sequenced

    Scientists have taken a first read of the genetic sequence of the organism responsible for a sexually transmitted infection called trichomoniasis.

  2. Aging vets take stress disorder to heart

    Veterans grappling for decades with post-traumatic stress disorder have a greater risk of developing and dying from heart disease than do their peers who don't suffer from the stress ailment.

  3. Earth

    Heating releases cookware chemicals

    Nonstick coatings on fry pans and microwave-popcorn bags can, when heated, release traces of potentially toxic perfluorinated chemicals.

  4. Tech

    Tracking nanotubes in mice

    Carbon nanotubes can target tumors in mice.

  5. Physics

    Solving a 400-year-old supernova riddle

    Astronomers have determined that Kepler's supernova, the last stellar explosion witnessed in our galaxy, belongs to the class known as type 1a.

  6. Astronomy

    Astronomers discover smallest galaxy ever

    Astronomers have found the smallest galaxy yet recorded, about one-sixteenth the diameter of the Milky Way.

  7. Planetary Science

    Stellar death may spawn solar system

    Material shed by a dying star might give birth to planets.

  8. Addiction Subtraction: Brain damage curbs cigarette urge

    Scientists have identified an area of the brain where damage seems to quickly halt a person's desire to smoke.

  9. Tech

    Making a 3-D Microscope: Technique brings entire sample into focus

    A new imaging technique creates microscopic three-dimensional views of tissues within a patient's body and can update those images several times a second.

  10. Mind over Muscle: Placebo boosts health benefits of exercise

    The physical rewards of exercise derive not just from muscular exertion but also from a person's mind-set about exercise.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Salve for the Lungs: Aspirin might prevent asthma

    Regular use of aspirin may prevent healthy adults from developing asthma.

  12. Astronomy

    Magnificent McNaught

    Flaunting a majestic tail over southern skies, Comet McNaught became in mid-January the brightest comet in more than 40 years.

  13. Paleontology

    Ancient Glider: Dinosaur took to the air in biplane style

    About 125 million years before the Wright Brothers took to the air with their biplane, a 1-meter-long dinosaur may have been swooping from tree to tree using the same arrangement of wings.

  14. Health & Medicine

    Good Poison? Carbon monoxide may stifle multiple sclerosis

    A study in mice suggests that small amounts of carbon monoxide might alleviate symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

  15. Plants

    Secret Agent: Hidden helper lets fungus save plants from heat

    A fungus that supposedly lets plants live in overheated soil turns out to work only if it's infected with a certain virus.

  16. Perchance to Hibernate

    As scientists work to unravel the secrets of mammalian hibernation, they're eyeing medical applications that could aid wounded soldiers, stroke victims, and transplant recipients, among others.

  17. Earth

    Aquatic Non-Scents

    Many common pollutants appear to be jeopardizing the survival of fish and other aquatic species by blunting their sense of smell.

  18. Humans

    Letters from the January 27, 2007, issue of Science News

    Circumcision circumspection Concerning “More Evidence of Protection: Circumcision reduces STD risk in men” (SN: 11/18/06, p. 325), I have yet to read a single study regarding the alleged benefits of circumcision that acknowledges that the foreskin is erogenous tissue. Removal of erogenous tissue from a female would be considered barbaric, even if it did offer […]
