By Bruce Bower
A mysterious, 3-million-year-old member of the human evolutionary family had a maverick taste for grasses and flowering plants called sedges, a chemical analysis of the creature’s teeth suggests.
Central Africa’s Australopithecus bahrelghazali was apparently not a devotee of leaves, fruit and other standard fare of early hominids based in forested areas. Instead, it fed mainly on underground parts of grasses and sedges growing in a savanna landscape, say archaeologist Julia Lee-Thorp of the University of Oxford, England, and her colleagues. The work appears online November 12 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The findings are at least 1 million years older than grass and sedge eating previously reported for another hominid, Paranthropus boisei (SN: 6/4/11, p. 8). Australopithecines such as A. bahrelghazali may have been able to eat foods available in both savanna and wooded settings, the researchers suggest. It’s also possible that the Central African species had begun to evolve an exclusive taste for grasses and sedges.