Brain stents pose risks
Rates of death, stroke higher among patients who receive device in study
By Nathan Seppa
Threading a catheter up into the brain and inserting a device that widens a dangerously narrowed artery might do more harm than good in some patients at risk of stroke. An aggressive course of medications alone appears to be safer, researchers report online September 7 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Mesh cylinders called stents have offered cardiologists an inside-out approach to opening clogged coronary arteries that is less invasive than surgery. Now researchers are using a new generation of tiny stents to tackle similarly narrowed vessels in the brain. Federal regulators approved a brain stent in 2005, and past studies have supported stents’ effectiveness against stroke (SN: 2/17/2007, p. 99).
Researchers used the approved stent in the new trial. They enrolled hundreds of patients at 50 hospitals who had just survived a stroke or had a transient ischemic attack, a kind of stroke that clears up within a day, says study coauthor Marc Chimowitz, a neurologist at the Medical University of South Carolina. The average age of the patients was about 60.
Brain scans of these patients pinpointed an artery with buildup that obstructed at least 70 percent of blood flow. People with such bottlenecks are at high risk of having a stroke, because a blood clot may form at the narrowed spot and block blood flow, or a loose clot might get lodged at the pinch point. All patients received clot-busting medicines — aspirin and clopidogrel (Plavix) — and were given drugs to lower cholesterol and control blood pressure.