On his Web site, Pedro Merino reveals to the cybersurfing world that he cycles, swims, plays tennis, and likes classical music. He also notes that he likes to use the Internet to report his chemical research. That may not sound as cool as an extreme sport like helicopter skiing, but it’s a practice so radical that it could alter the fabric of the chemistry community.
Merino, an organic chemist at the University of Zaragoza in Spain, has submitted four research papers to a new online venue called the Chemistry Preprint Server, which is part of a virtual club called ChemWeb.com that boasts 200,000 members. Launched last summer, the server is the first major repository of chemists’ works in progress and research articles that have not been reviewed by a few selected chemists, as they are in published journals. Contributors can return to the site again and again to update their submissions, while the server records an electronic trail of their changes. ChemWeb visitors can rank the postings and contribute their opinions of them.