Kissing, and missing, human cousins
DNA paints a contested picture of Stone Age interbreeding
By Bruce Bower
2012 SCIENCE NEWS TOP 25: 14
The scientific paparazzi who followed long-gone evolutionary celebrities this year exposed plenty of hanky-panky between early humans and closely related species. These new findings (inexplicably ignored by supermarket tabloids) raise questions about how much genetic swapping happened in the Homo genus tens of thousands of years ago. What’s more, the mixed-up family tree is uprooting the popular view that modern humans evolved in Africa and spread from there, edging out close relatives such as Neandertals.
In one revealing report, an international team unveiled a largely complete genetic library extracted from the finger fossil of a Stone Age girl (SN: 9/22/12, p. 5). Her DNA suggests that she came from a small Siberian population — called Denisovans — that moved through East Asia tens of thousands of years ago. Today’s Papua New Guineans inherited 6 percent of their genes from Denisovans, the study found.
Researchers don’t have enough fossils to say whether the Siberian girl or other Denisovans represent a new Homo species. DNA from one ancient individual, as opposed to a representative sample from a population, isn’t up to the task of nailing down a new species.
Neandertals, on the other hand, are generally thought to have been a separate species even if they occasionally interbred with Homo sapiens. Recent stone tool finds suggest Neandertals trekked from Europe to East Asia starting 75,000 years ago, giving them the chance to interbreed with ancient humans over a huge geographic expanse (SN: 8/25/12, p. 22). The study of Denisovans also found that today’s East Asians share more genes with Neandertals than South Americans or Europeans do.