Into orbit
MESSENGER pays a yearlong visit to Mercury
By Ron Cowen
Hidden by the sun’s glare and dismissed as a heavily cratered rock no different than Earth’s moon, Mercury has for decades been relegated to the back burner of planetary research. But studies of the planet closest to the sun have now ignited.
On March 17, NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft became the first probe to enter orbit around the metal-rich body (SN Online: 3/17/11). MESSENGER — short for Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging — completes a lap every 12 hours, traveling an oval path that swoops close to the planet’s north polar region and keeps a greater distance from the southern pole.
A yearlong effort to understand the planet’s volcanism, core, magnetic field and other features got under way April 4, when the craft’s suite of seven instruments began regularly beaming data to Earth. With MESSENGER gleaning new information, researchers will attempt to solve a number of unanswered questions about Mercury, many brought to light when the craft flew by the planet in 2008 and 2009.