President Bush has announced that he intends to nominate John Marburger, the head of Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y., as his science adviser. The President may call on Marburger for advice on a wide range of policy decisions, including the science budget, missile defense, arms control, nuclear-waste disposal, and global warming.
Marburger brings to the position a reputation for effective communication and administrative finesse. He’s an expert on lasers and a former president of the State University of New York (SUNY) in Stony Brook. When he began at Brookhaven in 1998, the laboratory was at odds with its Long Island neighbors over environmental hazards. “He went into a community that really was hostile to the national lab . . . and made it understand the science,” says Shirley Strum Kenney, current president of SUNY, Stony Brook.