
  1. Health & Medicine

    Infectious Notion

    Lessons from gene therapy promote viruses as cancer fighters.

  2. Health & Medicine

    DNA vaccine immunizes fetal lambs

    Canadian scientists have devised a way to vaccinate fetal lambs, which could spawn more research into in utero methods for preventing the spread of disease from mothers to their babies.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Protein Pump: Experimental therapy fights Parkinson’s

    Bathing surviving dopamine-making neurons with a natural protein that induces nerve-fiber growth reverses some of the symptoms in Parkinson's disease patients.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Body wraps caused rash of rashes

    A CDC investigator has linked an outbreak of skin infections to unsanitary practices at a body wrap salon.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Transfusions and transplants spread West Nile virus

    Donated blood and organs should be screened to prevent transmission of West Nile virus, federal officials say.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Africa faces new meningitis threat

    A vaccine-resistant and previously rare strain of deadly bacteria caused an epidemic of meningitis last year in western Africa and seems to have disseminated around the world.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine didn’t cause heart deaths

    Fatal heart attacks that recently struck two people after they were vaccinated against smallpox were probably unfortunate coincidences, not adverse consequences of vaccination.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Shots stop allergic reactions to venom

    An immune therapy prevents allergic reactions to the sting of the jack jumper ant, a pest common to Australia.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Homing In on Ephedra’s Risks

    On Feb. 16, pitcher Steve Bechler of the Baltimore Orioles collapsed while running sprints at the team’s spring-training camp in Florida. He died a few hours later. Subsequent investigation linked the 23-year-old player’s apparent heatstroke with a popular diet aid containing both caffeine and ephedra, a botanical product rich in other natural stimulants. Ephedra plant. […]

  10. Humans

    From the April 15, 1933, issue

    NARCISSI MERIT RECOGNITION AS PROPER EASTER FLOWERS Easter has always been a festival of flowers. Indeed, one of the reasons why the early missionary church found it comparatively easy to get its converts to adopt this holy day was because most of them already had a holiday at the same season–a celebration of the returning […]

  11. Health & Medicine

    Deadly Stowaways: Seeds of cancer in transplant recipients are traced back to donors

    Precancerous cells that grow into Kaposi's sarcoma are sometimes introduced into a person in an organ transplant.

  12. Anthropology

    Cannibalism’s DNA Trail: Gene may signal ancient prion-disease outbreaks

    Cannibalism among prehistoric humans may have left lasting genetic marks.
