By Ron Cowen
Of all the things worth arguing about in the universe, physicists are once again haggling over a bunch of WIMPS.
At a meeting in Venice on elementary particles, Rita Bernabei of the University of Rome announced that her team has found additional evidence for an exotic type of subatomic particle called a WIMP, for weakly interacting massive particle. The new findings, based on several years of experiments conducted beneath the Apennines east of Rome, are controversial. Despite years of searching, no other experiment has ever found evidence for the elusive particle. But the stakes are high, because proving the existence of WIMPS could in one fell swoop settle a 75-year-old puzzle about the identity of the dark matter in the cosmos. A true WIMP discovery would also provide a key clue to unifying the four fundamental forces of nature.
In the latest version of their experiment, known as DAMA/LIBRA, Bernabei and her colleagues analyzed faint flashes of light from 25 ultrasensitive sodium iodide detectors at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory beneath the Apennines. Like many other WIMP experiments, this one is conducted underground to provide shielding from stray cosmic rays that might confound the results.
For 11 years, using two different sets of detectors, the team has found an annual rise and fall in the number of flashes that the scientists say is consistent with Earth moving through a vast cloud, or halo, of WIMPS enveloping our galaxy.