Get Rid of the Bodies
Disposing of dying cells is deadly serious
By John Travis
It’s hard to make fun of death, but Monty Python and the Holy Grail meets that challenge. In the film, an undertaker yelling, “Bring out your dead!” pulls a cart full of corpses through a plague-ridden medieval village. A local, toting the body of an old man, beckons the undertaker. The body, however, protests that it doesn’t want to go into the cart. The cart-puller refuses to take the emaciated body, noting that the old man isn’t dead yet. “No, but he will be soon, and he’s just taking up room in the house,” argues the local. “I’ll be better tomorrow,” the old man feebly responds. The younger men finally whack the old guy on the head and toss him on the cart.
Michael Hengartner of Cold Spring Harbor (N.Y.) Laboratory finds that macabre scene hilarious. That’s fitting because he studies how animals recognize their dying cells and dispose of them.