Insulin pump and computer mated to regulate blood sugar
Test in people with type 1 diabetes suggests device might serve as 'artificial pancreas'
By Nathan Seppa
A combination of high-tech glucose sensors, a computerized dosing calculator and a small insulin pump may someday allow people with type 1 diabetes to skip the routine injections and blood sugar checks that are a hallmark of the disease.
Armed with software that uses ongoing blood sugar readings to determine hormonal needs, researchers report initial success using an automated “closed loop system” that basically mimics the workings of a healthy pancreas, scientists report in the April 14 Science Translational Medicine.
“The technology exists right now for this closed loop system,” says study coauthor Steven Russell, an endocrinologist at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
The final product, still several years away, would consist of a pager-sized device not much bigger than the insulin pumps some diabetics wear today. The device would house dual pumps for both insulin, which lowers blood sugar, and its hormonal counterpart glucagon, which has the opposite effect. Another compartment would receive real-time glucose readings from a sensor under the skin and pass that information to a computer chip. The chip would control the pumps, adjusting the individual’s insulin and glucagon dosages as needed without the person ever lifting — or pricking — a finger.