Mental Health

  1. Health & Medicine

    Why war’s emotional wounds run deeper for some kids and not others

    Researchers examine why war’s emotional wounds run deep in some youngsters, not others.

  2. Psychology

    When anxiety happens as early as preschool, treatments can help

    Researchers are seeking ways to break the link between preschool worries and adult anxiety.

  3. Health & Medicine

    People with stress disorders like PTSD are at higher risk of heart disease

    Those coping with psychological trauma have a greater risk for cardiovascular disease, a large-scale study that goes beyond men and veterans finds.

  4. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, drug abuse was higher among physicians than the public

    In 1969, physicians abused drugs at a higher rate than the general public — that’s still true today.

  5. Science & Society

    The CBD boom is way ahead of the science

    As CBD-laced foods and health products gain popularity, researchers are just beginning to fill the gaping holes in knowledge about this cannabis molecule’s benefits.

  6. Neuroscience

    Women have a new weapon against postpartum depression, but it’s costly

    The newly approved drug brexanolone simulates a natural hormone to alleviate symptoms of postpartum depression.

  7. Neuroscience

    Brain discoveries open doors to new treatments

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses the history of neuroscience and new techniques scientists are using to influence the brain.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Brain-zapping implants that fight depression are inching closer to reality

    Researchers are using electric jolts to correct the faulty brain activity that sparks depression.

  9. Humans

    Why it’s key to identify preschoolers with anxiety and depression

    With mounting evidence that very young children can experience anxiety and depression, efforts are underway to identify and treat them early.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Americans are sleeping less than they were 13 years ago

    A survey suggests that nearly one-third of American adults are sleeping fewer than 6 hours a night, and minority groups are most affected.

  11. Tech

    Virtual reality therapy has real-life benefits for some mental disorders

    Cheap, user-friendly virtual reality hardware could help VR therapy go mainstream. Some treatments are ready for primetime, while others are still in early testing.

  12. Neuroscience

    Strange brains offer a glimpse into the mind

    A close look at unusual brains offers a way to understand how the human mind is constructed, two new books argue.
