Science News Magazine:
Vol. 160 No. #7
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More Stories from the August 18, 2001 issue
- Health & Medicine
New drug fights a chronic leukemia
A genetically engineered drug that fuses an antibody to a toxin attacks cancerous cells in hairy-cell leukemia.
By Nathan Seppa - Health & Medicine
Cox-2 shows up in stomach cancers
The inflammatory enzyme Cox-2 is present in stomach tumors, suggesting that drugs that inhibit the enzyme might help supress tumor formation.
By Nathan Seppa - Health & Medicine
Once a cesarean, always a cesarean?
Expectant mothers who've already given birth by cesarean section put themselves at increased risk of uterine rupture by trying vaginal birth.
By Nathan Seppa - Health & Medicine
Protein may post lung cancer warning
The protein Ki-67, sometimes present on tissue lining the lungs, may act as a warning sign of lung cancer risk for ex-smokers.
By Nathan Seppa - Health & Medicine
Could this be the end of the monthly period?
Two compounds stop menstruation in monkeys, suggesting that similar drugs might someday enable women to bypass monthly bleeding.
By Nathan Seppa - Astronomy
Senior star may have comets
Astronomers have found what could be the first evidence of water-bearing objects that orbit a star other than the sun.
By Ron Cowen - Astronomy
Eros: The movie
Close-up views of the asteroid 433 Eros, showing jagged rocks, fields of boulders, and debris-filled craters, are featured in a minute-long movie.
By Ron Cowen - Humans
Bush favors some stem cell research
President Bush said he would support work on stem cells that already had been propagated from embryos otherwise fated for disposal in fertility clinics, but he opposes financing the destruction of additional embryos to create new cell lines.
By John Travis - Humans
Cloning hearing creates media frenzy
A panel reviewing human cloning heard the pros and cons of the issue during a fiery debate.
By John Travis - Health & Medicine
Drugs Counter Mad Cow Agent in Cells
Fueled only by promising studies of cells, a California research team has invited controversy by beginning to give a little-used malaria drug to patients who have the human version of mad cow disease.
By John Travis - Astronomy
Astronomers spy familiar planetary system
Studying a star in the Big Dipper, astronomers have for the first time found a planetary system that reminds them of home.
By Ron Cowen - Animals
Smart tags show unexpected tuna trips
The first report on Atlantic bluefin tuna wearing electronic tags reveals much more dashing across the ocean than expected.
By Susan Milius - Earth
Deep-sea gear takes wild ride on lava
When a set of instruments monitoring an underwater volcano got trapped in an eruption in early 1998, the scientists who had deployed the sensors ended up with more data than they bargained for.
By Sid Perkins - Materials Science
Chemical sensors gain true portability
Researchers have designed simple new films for indicating the presence of worrisome airborne chemicals.
- Physics
Accelerators load some new ammo: Crystals
To make denser accelerator beams that may open new doors in physics, researchers have chilled ions in a miniature test accelerator until the ions coalesced into crystals.
By Peter Weiss - Paleontology
A Ticklish Debate
Paleontologists engaged in a contentious debate about the origins of feathers often reach interpretations that are poles apart, and they defend their views with fervor.
By Sid Perkins - Health & Medicine
Vaccine Verity
Widely publicized concerns about vaccination leading to autism, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes have not been borne out by research.