Vol. 169 No. #8
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More Stories from the February 25, 2006 issue

  1. Earth

    Finding dirty diesels

    Just a few diesel-fueled vehicles account for much of traffic-related soot.

  2. Transplant reroutes cells from sperm to eggs

    Fish cells destined to become sperm can become eggs when transplanted into larvae.

  3. Chemistry

    Membrane purifies gas

    Researchers have synthesized a membrane that may purify hydrogen more efficiently than conventional chemical methods do.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Study upgrades protons’ risk to DNA

    Proton radiation causes worse breaks in DNA than researchers had expected.

  5. Earth

    Species-aid budget looks fishy

    State and federal governments spent $1.4 billion in 2004 on conserving endangered and threatened species, with one-third of that sum going to protect fish.

  6. Astronomy

    Tiny planet orbits faraway star

    Taking advantage of some gravitational sleight of hand, astronomers have found indirect evidence of the smallest planet known to exist outside the solar system.

  7. Smart shoppers use unconscious tactics

    Consumers make better decisions about major purchases if they heed the power of their unconscious minds.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Saw palmetto flunks prostate exam

    An herbal supplement used by 2.5 million men in the United States has failed to outperform a dummy capsule taken for urinary problems.

  9. Degrading a Defense: Bacteria use enzyme to escape trap

    Some bacteria have evolved an enzyme that enables them to escape the body's defenses.

  10. Earth

    Rome at Risk: Seismic shaking could be long and destructive

    If a large earthquake struck Rome, ground motions could rock the city for up to a minute, threatening many of the city's ancient landmarks.

  11. Anthropology

    Big Woman with a Distant Past: Stone Age gal embodies humanity’s cold shifts

    A 260,000-year-old partial skeleton previously found in China represents the largest known female among human ancestors and underscores the ancient origins of large, broad bodies adapted for survival in cold conditions.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Birth Deterrent: Stress hormone cited in early miscarriages

    High levels of a stress hormone in newly pregnant women might make them more likely to have miscarriages.

  13. Physics

    Easy Answers: Quantum computer gives results without running

    Quantum physics enables a computer to arrive at correct answers without actually running, a new experiment shows.

  14. Materials Science

    Busy Little Recyclers: Chemical process, microbial metabolism transform trash-bound plastics

    A two-step approach that converts a common plastic into a biodegradable polymer may cut the number of packing peanuts and Styrofoam cups that end up in landfills.

  15. Hunger for Knowledge: Appetite hormone may stimulate memory

    A hormone that's been tied to promoting hunger may also play a pivotal role in creating and retrieving memories, according to a new study in mice.

  16. Planetary Science

    Eyeing a Saturn storm

    The Cassini spacecraft recently captured an image of the most powerful storm ever seen on Saturn.

  17. Humans

    Evolution in Action

    Debates on the conflict between evolution and intelligent design are taking place not only in the courts but also in state legislatures and even among members of local school boards, where topics include curricula, textbooks, and the definition of science itself.

  18. Buff and Brainy

    Physical exercise encourages brains to function at an optimum level, even if they're damaged or diseased.

  19. Humans

    Letters from the February 25, 2006, issue of Science News

    A squirt could hurt The fine piece about invasive sea squirts (“Squirt Alert,” SN: 12/24&31/05, p. 411) states that the critters maintain an unappetizing surface pH of 2. Does this make these mats harmful to touch? Andrew J. DolsonRichmond, Va. Robert Whitlatch of the University of Connecticut, who grows Didemnum in the lab, says it’s […]
