Vol. 169 No. #2
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More Stories from the January 14, 2006 issue

  1. Animals

    First maternal care filmed in squid

    At least one squid species turns out to be a caring mom after all, say researchers who filmed the creatures using remote-control cameras positioned deep in the Pacific Ocean. With Video.

  2. Sexual selection: Darwin does Jamaica

    A study of young Jamaicans dancing to pop music suggests that some of Darwin's ideas about animal courtship may apply to people.

  3. Tech

    Hearing implant knows where it goes

    A new type of cochlear implant includes sensors whose signals may help surgeons insert the device more deeply into the inner ear and so provide better hearing.

  4. Archaeology

    Stone Age Britons pay surprise visit

    Estimated to be roughly 700,000 years old, stone tools recently unearthed along England's southeastern coast are the earliest evidence of human ancestors in northern Europe.

  5. Humans

    Fattening fears

    Parents' concerns over neighborhood safety may cause them to keep their children indoors and thereby increase the possibility that the youngsters will become overweight.

  6. Tech

    Transistors sprout inner forests

    By combining nanowires and conventional transistor structures, researchers are creating novel transistors with improved performance and the potential to be easily manufactured.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Musical therapy for sounder sleeping

    Regularly playing a droning wind instrument native to Australia significantly reduced snoring and sleep problems, Swiss researchers found.

  8. Earth

    Greenhouse Plants? Vegetation may produce methane

    Lab tests suggest that a wide variety of plants may routinely do something that scientists previously thought impossible; produce methane in significant quantities in an oxygenated environment.

  9. Masters of Disaster: Survey taps resilience of post-9/11 New York

    Telephone interviews with more than 2,700 people living in and around New York City yielded evidence of widespread psychological resilience during the 6 months after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

  10. Humans

    Faked Finds: Human stem cell work is discredited

    South Korean scientist Woo Suk Hwang faked embryonic stem cell findings, say investigators from Seoul National University.

  11. Animals

    Little Professor: Ants rank as first true animal teachers

    The best evidence so far of true teaching in a nonhuman animal comes from ants. With video.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Put Down That Fork: Studies document hazards of obesity

    Being overweight or obese in middle age increases a person's risk of heart or kidney problems later in life.

  13. The Fat Track: Signals between cells keep creatures lean

    An ancient cellular pathway that determines cells' fates also inhibits fat formation in insects and mammals.

  14. Ecosystems

    Life Underfoot: Microbial biodiversity takes surprising twist

    When it comes to numbers of bacterial species, rainforest dirt is virtually a desert, but desert dirt bursts with biodiversity.

  15. Robo Receptor: Researchers engineer a brain ion channel to take its cues from light

    Scientists have engineered an ion channel in nerve cells to open or close in response to light.

  16. Animals

    The Trouble with Chasing a Bee

    Radar has long been able to detect high-flying clouds of insects, but it's taken much longer for scientists to figure out how to track your average bee.

  17. Astronomy

    Outer Limits

    A slew of recently discovered objects at the far reaches of the solar system, including a possible tenth planet, are providing scientists with clues about the origin and evolution of this distant region.

  18. Humans

    Letters from the January 14, 2006, issue of Science News

    Alcohol calculus “A toast to thin blood” (SN: 11/12/05, p. 317) says, “the blood of people who consume 3 to 6 drinks weekly was less likely to clot in a test tube than was the blood from nondrinkers.” I wonder if there is a rebound effect that could make the blood of new abstainers even […]
