In many fields of science, it’s always the year of the rat
On the Chinese zodiac calendar, 2011 was the Year of the Rabbit. For scientists it was more like the year of the rat. A seminal study published in Science demonstrated that rats aren’t the conniving, selfish creatures that popular culture has long made them out to be. Rats will liberate another rat from a locked cage, researchers found, even when given a choice to gorge on chocolates instead.
Perhaps humans should extend some similar graciousness to rats. Rats have long been maligned in literature, movies and popular expressions. Take Templeton, the gluttonous rat in Charlotte’s Web, who helps Wilbur and Charlotte only when he realizes that without Wilbur, there will be no food to steal from the pig trough. Or Rat, in Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox, a selfish drunk concerned only with his next sip of cider, not the welfare of his trapped animal comrades.