
  1. Oceans

    Fish escapes from marine farms raise concerns about wildlife

    Farmed salmon, sea bass and other fish frequently escape from sea cages into the ocean. Will these runaways harm native wildlife?

  2. Plants

    How a tomato plant foils a dreaded vampire vine

    Tomatoes can foil a dodder plant attack by getting scared and scabbing over.

  3. Animals

    Evidence piles up for popular pesticides’ link to pollinator problems

    Neonicotinoid pesticides linked to population declines in California butterflies and wild bee extinctions in Great Britain.

  4. Environment

    New desalination tech could help quench global thirst

    Designed with better, more energy-efficient materials, next-generation desalination plants may offer a way to meet the world’s growing need for freshwater.

  5. Agriculture

    New analysis: Genetically engineered foods not a health risk

    No real evidence for health or environmental dangers of GE crops.

  6. Plants

    Here’s what a leaf looks like during a fatal attack of bubbles

    Office equipment beats synchrotrons in showing how drought lets air bubbles kill the water-carrier network of veins in plant leaves.

  7. Agriculture

    Bacterium still a major source of crop pesticide

    Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria have provided pest-fighting toxins for over 50 years.

  8. Agriculture

    Readers debate GMOs

    Genetically-modified food, nuclear fusion, black holes and more reader feedback.

  9. Agriculture

    Climate change threatens quality of French, Swiss wines

    Wine quality could suffer as climate change desynchronizes warm temperatures and droughts, preventing grape growers from harvesting at the optimum time.

  10. Agriculture

    Wine quality subject to climate change

    Wine quality could suffer as climate change desynchronizes warm temperatures and droughts, preventing grape growers from harvesting at the optimum time.

  11. Agriculture

    FDA to test foods for controversial herbicide

    Amid controversy and conflicting studies, the FDA will test food for glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world.

  12. Agriculture

    Plants trick bacteria into attacking too soon

    Scientists have discovered that a plant compound interferes with bacterial communication.
