Vol. 202 No. 9
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More Stories from the November 19, 2022 issue

  1. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, a ‘cure’ for intoxication showed promise

    In 1972, vitamin and chemical injections reduced the amount of time that rats fed alcohol spent drunk. The science has yet to pan out for people.

  2. Animals

    After eons of isolation, these desert fish flub social cues

    Pahrump poolfish flunked a fear test, but maybe they’re scared of other things.

  3. Health & Medicine

    False teeth could double as hearing aids

    Dental implants can conduct sound through jawbone, making them candidates for discreet, high-quality hearing aids, researchers say.

  4. Astronomy

    Meet the BOAT, the brightest gamma-ray burst of all time

    Probably triggered by a supernova in a remote galaxy, the burst detected on October 9 could challenge theories about these brilliant blasts.

  5. Health & Medicine

    A study questioning colonoscopy screening’s benefits has big caveats

    The study included a lot of people who were invited to get the procedure but didn’t. That’s one limitation of several.

  6. Physics

    Protons may be stretchier than physics predicts

    Studying how quarks inside protons move in response to electric fields shows that protons seem to stretch more than theory says they should.

  7. Science & Society

    Why fuzzy definitions are a problem in the social sciences

    Social sciences research is plagued by murky definitions and measurements. Here’s why that matters.

  8. Astronomy

    Most stars may have much more time to form planets than previously thought

    Planet-making disks may survive around most young stars for 5 million to 10 million years — more than double a previous estimate.

  9. Environment

    Heat waves in U.S. rivers are on the rise. Here’s why that’s a problem

    In recent years, heat waves in U.S. rivers have gotten more frequent, causing trouble for fish, plants and water quality.

  10. Climate

    Here’s what happened to the Delaware-sized iceberg that broke off Antarctica

    The powerful pull of currents in the Southern Ocean probably pulled apart the largest remnant of a massive iceberg that split off Antarctica in 2017.

  11. Animals

    Mountain lions pushed out by wildfires take more risks

    A study tracking mountain lions showed that after an intense burn, the big cats crossed roads more often, raising the risk of becoming roadkill.

  12. Paleontology

    Dinosaur ‘mummies’ may not be rare flukes after all

    Bite marks on a fossilized dinosaur upend the idea that exquisite skin preservation must result from a carcass's immediate smothering under sediment.

  13. Genetics

    Black Death immunity came at a cost to modern-day health

    A genetic variant that boosts Crohn’s disease risk may have helped people survive the 14th century bubonic plague known as the Black Death.

  14. Animals

    Honeybees order numbers from left to right, a study claims

    In experiments, bees tend to go to smaller numbers on the left, larger ones on the right. But the idea of a mental number line in animals has critics.
