90th Anniversary Issue: 1950s
DNA's structure revealed and other highlights, 1950–59
By Science News
Double helix discovered
In 1953, the discovery of DNA’s structure topped Science News Letter’s top 10 stories of the year, beating out the polio vaccine and the “successful climbing of Mt. Everest.” The finding was not an instant hit, though; the initial April report in Nature of DNA’s double helix drew little notice from reporters. Perhaps it didn’t help that the research paper began with one of science’s most famous understatements: “This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.” Science News Letter announced the discovery on December 19, just in time to make the news of the year. The article added its own understatement, noting that the structure “is creating about as much interest and hopeful speculation in chemistry and biology as anything that has happened in many months” (12/19/53, p. 387). Watson and Crick won a Nobel Prize in 1962 with Maurice Wilkins for their work, which helped lay the foundation for molecular biology and the manipulation of genes. —Erika Engelhaupt