Vol. 194 No. 1
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More Stories from the July 7, 2018 issue

  1. Environment

    A big analysis of environmental data strengthens the case for plant-based diets

    A new study calculates the bonus for the planet of choosing more foods from plants.

  2. Life

    Dogs carry a surprising variety of flu viruses

    Dogs in China carry a wider variety of flu viruses than previously thought, and may be capable of passing the flu to humans.

  3. Particle Physics

    If real, dark fusion could help demystify this physics puzzle

    Fusing dark matter particles might explain why galaxy cores have evenly distributed dark matter.

  4. Tech

    A new 3-D printer builds temporary electronics on your skin

    A new 3-D printer that tracks and compensates for your slightest twitch can precisely print simple electronic devices onto your skin.

  5. Climate

    Tropical cyclones have slowed over the last 70 years

    Tropical cyclones are moving 10 percent slower, on average, than they did in the mid-20th century, potentially making them more dangerous.

  6. Planetary Science

    Curiosity finds that Mars’ methane changes with the seasons

    The Curiosity rover found seasonally changing methane in Mars’ atmosphere and more signs of organic molecules in an ancient lake bed.

  7. Animals

    In a conservation catch-22, efforts to save quolls might endanger them

    After 13 generations isolated from predators, the endangered northern quoll lost its fear of them.

  8. Archaeology

    This theory suggests few workers were needed to cap Easter Island statues

    A small workforce may have put huge stones on the heads of Easter Island statues.

  9. Animals

    Bees join an exclusive crew of animals that get the concept of zero

    Honeybees can pass a test of ranking ‘nothing’ as less than one.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Suicide rates have shot up in almost every U.S. state

    Suicide rates increased sharply in nearly all 50 states from 1999 to 2016, according to a new government report.

  11. Artificial Intelligence

    A new AI can focus on one voice in a crowd

    The artificial intelligence can ignore background noise in videos and focus on what a particular person is saying.

  12. Health & Medicine

    If you thought the most recent flu season was bad, you were right

    The recent U.S. flu season was classified as highly severe overall, the third time since 2003 that the seasonal outbreak has earned that designation.

  13. Environment

    Sunshine is making Deepwater Horizon oil stick around

    Sunlight created oxygen-rich oil by-products that are still hanging around eight years after the Deepwater Horizon spill.

  14. Physics

    This heavy element has a football-shaped atomic nucleus

    Three nobelium isotopes have oblong nuclei, and some sport a ‘bubble’ center.

  15. Climate

    Antarctica has lost about 3 trillion metric tons of ice since 1992

    Antarctica’s rate of ice loss has sped up since 1992 — mostly in the last five years, raising global sea level by almost 8 millimeters on average.

  16. Animals

    Here’s what narwhals sound like underwater

    Scientists eavesdropped while narwhals clicked and buzzed. The work could help pinpoint how the whales may react to more human noise in the Arctic.

  17. Paleontology

    These newfound frogs have been trapped in amber for 99 million years

    Trapped in amber, 99-million-year-old frog fossils reveal the amphibians lived in a wet, tropical climate.

  18. Astronomy

    Swirling gases reveal baby planets in a young star’s disk

    A new technique pinpointed three planets forming around a young star about 330 light-years from Earth.

  19. Psychology

    Phone apps are helping scientists track suicidal thoughts in real time

    Researchers are using smartphones to tap into the ups and downs of suicidal thinking that occur over hours and days, hoping to help prevent suicides.

  20. Animals

    ‘Spying on Whales’ dives into the story of true leviathans

    "Spying on Whales" retraces the evolution of cetaceans, explaining how they came to be some of Earth’s largest creatures.

  21. Genetics

    The study of human heredity got its start in insane asylums

    ‘Genetics in the Madhouse’ reveals how human heredity research began as a statistical science in 19th century insane asylums.

  22. Tech

    50 years ago, a Japanese scientist dreamed up a rocket-propelled train

    50 years ago, a Japanese engineer tried rocket boosters on a train. Today, high-speed trains propelled by superconducting magnets are being tested.
